Wednesday, November 19, 2008

working mode...a never ending story...

hi guys....
at the moment I'm typing this post, I still at the office doing my never ending jobs. luckily OT is not that bad and I'm making a living through it, just fine,  and i just have to bare with it. what else should i do?
well, sometimes I just wonder if I can apply for another job(s) at other places, but as i think about what is happening worldwide, it seems that we do not have much choices than to stay at where you are longer than you were expected and planned. its a safer choice i thought. it is so scary to heard that lots of US gigantic industrial field such as automobile, banking, manufacturing and others are really struggling to survive their very best and not few are asking for government funding in order to sustain their expenses. others just collapse and banckrupt. i wonder if Malaysia is facing the same thing. heard from my colleague that we may be affected in 2009, scary thought, but lets us just pray that at least it would be as minimum as possible.
so thats it, im still here, babbling about desire to change career and jobs for the past 3 years but im still here, doing OK and will be here for another phase of my life...hehehe...oh yeah, last 14/11 is my 3rd year in my career rite now...not bad...for doing nothing and gain something..hehehe...
hopefully to achieve things that i want before it ends...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

:) good job, congratulation for being in industry for 3 years. Sufficient to apply the government job..ehehehe